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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsCommunities in KosovoLatest NewsThe Suspension of the Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities​

The Suspension of the Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities

The Constitutional Court approved the request made by President Jahjaga to interpret the compatibility of the 25 August agreement with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and suspend all activities produced by the Agreement until it reached a decision. Our newest contribution to the Kosovo Communities Issues Monitor looks into the request and argues that any ruling on the Principles would be speculative in nature at this stage, as the full details on the Statute have not been drafted yet. Further, while a constitutional court review was foreseen for the final agreement, this early involvement of the constitutional court in the process was not foreseen and it is yet unknown what effect it will have on the overall dialogue process.

This is yet another delay caused by over-optimistic deadlines that return to discredit the Dialogue and the confidence of all side in the dialogue process, especially of the Kosovo Serb community that has made the request for the establishment of Association a central point of their political engagement with the Kosovo institutions. At the least, we argue, the decision of the Constitutional Court and the suspension should allow the Kosovo Government – including the representatives of the Kosovo Serb community – and opposition to engage in an inclusive discussion on the competencies and functioning of the Association.

See more for the full Kosovo Communities Issues Monitor: