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Advancing Community Empowerment: ECMI Kosovo’s Recycling Initiative Update​

Recently, ECMI Kosovo held a crucial meeting that underscores our commitment to community empowerment and environmental sustainability. This gathering focused on the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, with a special emphasis on those involved in informal waste collection.

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Empowering Communities: Reflecting on Sustainable Development Initiatives in Kosovo with Democracy Plus and USAID Support​

It’s always a rewarding day for us at ECMI Kosovo when we came together with our esteemed colleagues from Democracy Plus. In a meaningful meeting today, we explored our sustainable development experiences through our joint efforts on the two sister projects Recycling Matters Activity in Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje and Recycling Matters Activity Gracanica/Graçanicë, with generous support from USAID Kosovo.

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