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Strengthening Links Between Learning Centers and PRTANs in Kosovo

In February, the ECMI Kosovo Project team conducted meetings with key organizations overseeing Learning Centers across various regions in Kosovo. Particularly, on February 14, we engaged in discussion with Mrs. Ferdane Asllani, the director of Balkan Sunflowers Kosova.

The primary agenda of these meetings was to explore potential collaborations with organizations managing learning centres. The objective was to establish direct links between Learning centres and PRTANs, school dropout prevention teams.

Discussions explored into the present status of these centers, the challenges they encounter, the prevailing conditions, and the overall impact these educational institutions have on children’s attendance and interest in lessons.

A consensus was reached during the meeting on the imperative need to strengthen and further enhance cooperation between PRTAN and learning centers. This enhancement is envisioned to serve the best interests of children, particularly those from vulnerable communities.
The commitment was made to intensify efforts in fostering collaboration for the betterment of the educational landscape and the overall well-being of the students.

These activities are part of the “Supporting Continued Access to and Retention in Public Education in 15 municipalities in Kosovo” Project, which is financially supported by European Union in Kosovo in partnership with Unicef Kosovo Programme.