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Municipal Level Institutions

Municipal Office for Communities and Return

Every municipality in Kosovo has a Municipal Office for Communities and Return (MOCR). These offices are mandated to “protect and promote the rights of communities, the equal access of all communities to public services and the creation of conditions for sustainable return of refugees, displaced persons and repatriated persons”. Consequently, they carry the responsibility of assisting returnees/repatriates and members of minority communities.

Municipal Human Rights Unit

Each municipality is required by law to establish a Municipal Human Rights Unit (MHRU). These units are mandated to monitor compliance with human rights at the municipal level, specifically concerning discrimination, gender equality, children, disabled persons, the rights of communities, use of languages and human trafficking. They are also responsible for addressing the requests of residents of the relevant municipality in relation to human rights.

Municipal Communities Committee

Municipal Communities Committees comprise representatives from communities living in the respective municipality and members of the Municipal Assembly (MA). Any community residing in a given municipality must be represented by at least one representative in these committees, and representatives of minority communities make up the majority of their members. Municipal Communities Committees are responsible for reviewing compliance of municipal authorities with legislation and municipal policies, practices and activities, in order to ensure that the rights and interests of communities are fully respected. They also recommend measures to the Municipal Assembly as appropriate to ensure the implementation of directives aiming to promote, preserve and develop ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic identity and to ensure adequate protection of community rights in the municipality.

Deputy Chairperson of the Municipal Assembly for Communities

The Deputy Chairperson of the Municipal Assembly for Communities – required if minority communities make up at least 10% of the municipality’s population – is mandated to review all complaints by community members regarding violations of their rights through acts or decisions of the municipal assembly. The Deputy Chairperson is responsible for referring such violations to the Municipal Assembly (MA) and can request the reconsideration of the relevant act or decision. In addition, under specific circumstances, the Deputy Chairperson may submit acts or decisions considered to violate a constitutionally guaranteed right to the Constitutional Court.

Deputy Mayor for Communities

The Deputy Mayor for Communities – required if minority communities make up at least 10% of the municipality’s population – is mandated to provide advice and guidance to the Mayor on issues related to minority communities.