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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsPolitical update and analysisMinority Communities’ Political Parties in Kosovo’s Changing Political Landscape​

Minority Communities’ Political Parties in Kosovo’s Changing Political Landscape

While the Constitutional Court’s decision on the legality of the procedures followed in the constitution session of the Assembly of Kosovo is pending, there are uncertainties about the establishment of a government, and with the looming prospects for new elections still ongoing, one thing is certain: the parliamentary elections of June 8th were held in free and fair conditions, they generated major changes in Kosovo’s political landscape, and, with that, it has brought the composition, and role, of minority political parties to the forefront of Kosovo political and institutional life for years to come.

This document should be read as a follow-up to ECMI Kosovo’s publication ‘General Elections in Kosovo: A View of Issues, Challenges and the Political Scene Ahead of Voting on June 8th’.

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