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1 Institutional Support and Capacity Building for Minority Community Organizations

At the heart of ECMI Kosovo’s mission is the enhancement of governance structures and the empowerment of minority communities across Kosovo. Our approach integrates crucial institutional support with the capacity building of minority community organizations, ensuring environments where institutions and community organizations collaborate effectively towards shared objectives. This section emphasizes our commitment to reinforcing institutional frameworks while simultaneously elevating the capacities of minority community organizations, highlighting ECMI Kosovo’s role in fostering effective partnerships between government bodies, civil society organizations, and international entities to improve operational capabilities and service delivery.

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Advancing Education in Ferizaj: ECMI Kosovo Project’s Crucial Meeting and Action Plan

In the framework of these field activities, on February 21, we met the representatives of the Municipal Directorate of Education in Mitrovica, focusing mainly on the finalization of the Municipal Action Plan. Similar discussions took place on February 22 in Obiliq and Fushë Kosovë.

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Field Activities and Municipal Engagement in Dropout Prevention​

During February, the ECMI Kosovo Project team worked actively in the field in support of MEDs, schools and the overall educational process in the 15 targeted municipalities.

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Strengthening Links Between Learning Centers and PRTANs in Kosovo​

In February, the ECMI Kosovo Project team conducted meetings with key organizations overseeing Learning Centers across various regions in Kosovo. Particularly, on February 14, we engaged in discussion with Mrs. Ferdane Asllani, the director of Balkan Sunflowers Kosova.

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Empowering Communities: Reflecting on Sustainable Development Initiatives in Kosovo with Democracy Plus and USAID Support​

It’s always a rewarding day for us at ECMI Kosovo when we came together with our esteemed colleagues from Democracy Plus. In a meaningful meeting today, we explored our sustainable development experiences through our joint efforts on the two sister projects Recycling Matters Activity in Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje and Recycling Matters Activity Gracanica/Graçanicë, with generous support from USAID Kosovo.

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Në rrugën drejt një të ardhme të qëndrueshme për të gjithë​

Në një epokë ku ndryshimet klimatike, ndotja e ajrit dhe shkatërrimi i ekosistemeve janë realitete që sfidojnë planetin tonë, mbrojtja e ambientit nuk është më thjesht një ide e bukur; është një nevojë e domosdoshme për të mbrojtur shëndetin dhe të ardhmen tonë. Në këtë artikull, do të eksplorojmë rëndësinë e mbrojtjes së ambientit dhe rolin që secili prej nesh luan në këtë betejë për të ruajtur dhe rikuperuar mjedisin tonë të jetës.

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