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ECMI Kosovo calls for calm in light of protests against minister Jablanović’s controversial statement​

On 10 January, a peaceful protest demanding that Prime Minister Mustafa relieve Minister Jablanović of his duties was held in Gjakovë/Đakovica. The protest, called by Vetëvendosje and the NGO Mothers’ Call and attended by a few hundred citizens, was held after controversial statements made by Kosovo Government Minister Aleksandar Jablanović, which led to a series of furious reactions by opposition parties and the Ombudsperson of Kosovo.

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ECMI Kosovo condemns the violent blockage of entrance to the Serb orthodox church in Gjakovë/Đakovica​

On 6 January, Vetëvendosje activists, together with the NGO “Thirrjet e Nënave” (Mothers’ Calls), staged a protest in front of the premises of the Serb Orthodox Church in Gjakovë/Đakovica, in order to prevent the worshipers to enter the Church. The sit in was generally calm and nonviolent in nature. The Kosovo Police intervened and dispersed the protesters, arresting two people in the process.

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Serb Community Network – Policy Briefs on Employment, Transparency and Accountability, and Youth activites​

Over the course of the implementation of the project Empowering Civil Society to Participate Effectively in Policy and Decision-Making Processes through Dialogue with Government Institutions, funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo, ECMI Kosovo, and with its partners Communication with Social Development (CSD) and Network of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Womens’ Organisation of Kosovo (NRAEWOK), supported the establishment of the Serb Community Network. The Anamorava/Pomoravlje region stretches through south eastern Kosovo, and has generally been characterised with stable inter-ethnic relations. However, the Serb community living in this area faces similar problems to other Serb communities, especially the youth. The establishment of a network fosters a link between various CSOs from the region and better advocate for their respective local government structures. Since many of these municipalities are newly established through the decentralisation process, the network is essential to providing a secure channel to work together. Moreover, many Serb inhabitants from this area feel they are underrepresented in comparison to other regions in Kosovo, showing the necessity of the network in order to make their voices heard at the central level and one within the Serbian community, operating in the Anamorova/Pomoravlje.

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A Political Update: The Formation of the New Government of Kosovo, Minority Community Representation and Challenges Ahead​

Following almost 6 months of political wrangling, the Assembly of Kosovo elected Isa Mustafa, chairman of LDK and former mayor of Pristina, Prime Minister on 9 December 2014. Mustafa was elected with 73 votes for, 38 against, and 2 abstentions. His election is part of the PDK-LDK agreement agreed in late November and signed on 8 December. The agreement stipulates that the government will be led by Isa Mustafa, chairman of LDK, with Hashim Thaçi, chairman of PDK and outgoing Prime Minister, serving as deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Srpska lista—a coalition of several parties representing the Serbian community in Kosovo—is also part of the coalition government led by Mustafa and several of its representatives have been appointed in the new government.

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Today, on Human Rights Day, the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Kosovo would like to reiterate its unwavering support for the advancement of human rights and minority rights in Kosovo.

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Roundtable discussion on the project “How to Breathe Life into Kosovo Anti-discrimination Legislation”​

On December 4th 2014, a roundtable discussion was held in Prishtinë/Priština to mark the finalisation of the project, “How to breathe life into Kosovo anti-discrimination legislation”. The roundtable was organized and coordinated by the European Centre for Minority Issues Kosovo (ECMI Kosovo) and saw the participation of some thirty (30) individuals, including the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Kosovo, his Excellency Mr. Ivo Šilhavý, from a host of organisations across Kosovo with the common goal of decreasing ethnic, gender and other forms of discrimination in Kosovo. His Excellency Ambassador Šilhavý, greeted the participants and expressed his support and that of the Czech Republic for the project.

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