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Udhëzues për aplikim për Thirrjen e Dytë publike për subvencionim të efiçiencës së energjisë për qytetarët

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Education in the Serbian Language and Diploma Verification in Kosovo

The organization of education in Kosovo is a complex issue. The following analysis provides a brief overview of the state of affairs in Serbian- language education, the current input by ECMI Kosovo at the structural and educational levels. It is an informative report that will explain the complexities of the situation in regards to the historical legal relationship between the Kosovar and Serbian educational systems, the impact of the Brussels agreement in the process, and the progress that the locally negotiated agreement in 2013 has had on the verification of diplomas by the Government of Kosovo issued by the University of Mitrovica North, an agreement within the spirit of Brussels Dialogue brokered by ECMI Kosovo. Last but not least, the report looks at the future challenges towards diploma verification and overall the issue of Serbian education in Kosovo.

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Update on the Process of Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities​

This policy brief analyses recent developments with regard to the dialogue on the Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities in Kosovo. It reflects on ECMI’s latest report on Association, named ‘Breaking the Impasse’, which was published in 2016. ‘Breaking the Impasse’ argued that the Association can only be achieved by way of establishing several institutions and will function within the existing constitutional and legal framework of Kosovo. This policy brief is an update on ‘Breaking the Impasse’, it shows what has happened since its publication and explains why the ultimatum set out by Sprska Lista is not a constructive development.

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Implications of Visa Liberalisation for Kosovo

This article analyses the relationship between the recently signed border demarcation deal and visa liberalization for Kosovo. It will examine the conditions that have been laid out by the EU for Kosovo, notably with regard to the rule of law. Additionally, it will explain what procedures the country would need to undergo in order to achieve visa-free travel in the Schengen area. It will also examine the future prospects for visa liberalisation for Kosovo, by analyzing developments in the other countries of the Western Balkans. Lastly, the report highlights the possible effects that such a process could have for minority communities in Kosovo.

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Reading the results of Kosovo’s snap elections

On 10 July the Central Election Commission informed the President of Kosovo that it had certified the election results of the 11 June parliamentary election. According to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of Kosovo, the Assembly’s inaugural session will now be convened by the President within thirty (30) days of the official announcement of election results. The certification has set in motion the process of establishing a new coalition government. This report looks at the results, possible scenarios and upcoming challenges for the parties in the aftermath of one of the most inconclusive election results in Kosovo’s recent democratic history.

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Quotas for Gender Representation in Kosovo’s Election Rules

In our latest brief on the upcoming elections, ECMI Kosovo is looking at the controversy that has arisen surrounding gender representation and legal provisions that try to ensure a minimal level of representation of women in the overall election process and in the next Assembly of Kosovo.

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