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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsCommunities in KosovoLatest NewsKosovo’s Consultative Council for Communities hampered by lack of funding

Kosovo’s Consultative Council for Communities hampered by lack of funding

Lack of adequate budget allocation seriously hampers the work of Kosovo’sConsultative Council for Communities, reports ECMI Kosovo.

In an Information Bulletin that was circulated on 14 June, the European Centre for Minority Issues Kosovo calls for attention to the fact that the Consultative Council for Communities is hampered by lack of funding.

“…without a significant increase in budget the Council will not be able to effectively exercise its constitutional mandate,” notes the Bulletin.

The Consultative Council for Communities (CCC)

The CCC, located within the Office of the President of Kosovo (OP), comprises minority community and government representatives. It has the constitutional mandate to serve as a forum for government consultation with communities on relevant issues and as a mechanism for facilitating intercommunity dialogue and enhancing intracommunity cohesion.

As such, the CCC is the only institution in Kosovo that provides a formal avenue for minority civil society representatives to directly influence the Kosovo government’s decision making processes.