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Kosovo Assembly ratifies the ‘Brussels Agreement’

The Assembly of Kosovo ratified the Agreement on the normalization of the relations with Serbia on the 27 June, records ECMI Kosovo’s June Newsletteramong more observations.

As the Brussels Agreement on normalization of the relations with Serbia was voted in the Kosovo Assembly, the ordinary development of the voting process was initially obstructed by protest organized by the opposition party Vetëvendosje. Says the ECMI Kosovo’s June Newsletter from where also the following report comes.

The obstruction resulted in clashes with the police with around 30 detentions and several demonstrators and police officers injured. The voting was eventually made possible only after Kosovo Police escorted Vetëvendosje’s MPs out of parliament.

Progress of implementation discussed

The Prime Ministers Hashim Thaçi and Ivica Dačić met in Brussels on 20 June to discuss the progress in the implementation of the agreement based on the plan.

The implementation plan foresees that by mid-June both sides will adopt all necessary legal changes, beginning with the process of closure of the Serbian security structures and of the gradual integration of the Serbian security and judiciary personnel within equivalent Kosovo structures, as well as initiate discussions related to the holding of municipal elections.

During the month of June the Kosovo government appointed Captain Nenad Đurić as the first regional commander for northern Kosovo. The Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia (MIA) in Leposavić/Leposaviq was closed in accordance with the agreement, marking the beginning of the process of dissolution of Serbian MIA structures.

Also, the preparation phase for the establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities (ASM) has begun with the appointment of the management team composed of representatives from the four northern municipalities.

Finally, beginning of June, Serbian Justice Minister Nikola Selaković and Director of the Office for Kosovo Aleksandar Vulin met with representatives of the judicial institutions in North Mitrovica, Gračanica/Graçanicë, Ranilug/Ranillug, Deçan/Dečani and Štrpce/Shtërpcë to discuss about the implementation of the judiciary part of the agreement.

State of affairs of previous agreements

With regard to the other agreements previously reached in the dialogue process, the liaison officers Lulzim Peci and Dejan Pavićević were deployed on the 17 June respectively in Belgrade and Pristina. After Lulzim Peci’s resignation, President Jahjaga appointed Valdet Sadiku as new officer, who will start his mission on 17 July.

Furthermore, copies of complete registry books for the municipalities of Podujevë/Podujevo and Gjilan/Gnjilane were handed over by EULEX representatives from Serbia to the Civil Registration Agency of Kosovo.

EU opens negotiations for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Kosovo

Praising both Serbia and Kosovo for the historical successes achieved in the last months in the process of normalization of their relationship, the European Council endorsed on the 28 June the Council’s conclusions and recommendations on future enlargements achieved on 25 June.

It agreed on the opening of negotiations for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Kosovo and on setting of a date for the start of negotiations for membership with Serbia.