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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsPolitical update and analysisFor An Inclusive Discussion On The Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities

For An Inclusive Discussion On The Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities

The opposition parties are blocking the session of the Assembly for the third time in a row, demanding that the Government withdraws the agreement of 25 August on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities. This new issue of ECMI Kosovo’s Communities Issues Monitor argues that although the violent blocking of the Assembly is a non-legitimate act, bypassing the Assembly in the process of establishing the Statute of the Association is a major shortcoming. Regardless of the question whether the new agreement and the final statute – which will be approved by the High-Level Dialogue – are new international agreements that require ratification by the Assembly, not including the Assembly jeopardises the long-term functionality of the Association. Moreover, as a consequence of the current stalemate, discussions on the Association do not touch on the contents or the core of the matter, but remain restricted to superficial slogans pro or contra and give the impression that affirmative measures to protect the rights of non-majority communities and especially the Kosovo Serb community are a necessary evil, instead of an opportunity to establish an inclusive multi-ethnic society in Kosovo. The right solution out of the deadlock should come through negotiations with the opposition and representatives of non-majority communities for the need and form of involvement of the Assembly in drafting and approving the statute of the Association.

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