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Field Activities and Municipal Engagement in Dropout Prevention

During February, the ECMI Kosovo Project team worked actively in the field in support of MEDs, schools and the overall educational process in the 15 targeted municipalities.

In the framework of these field activities, on February 21, we met the representatives of the Municipal Directorate of Education in Mitrovica, focusing mainly on the finalization of the Municipal Action Plan. Similar discussions took place on February 22 in Obiliq and Fushë Kosovë.

The primary purpose of these interactions was to provide support to the Working Groups in these municipalities, for the finalization of the Municipal Action Plans for the prevention of dropouts in pre-university education.

In addition, the project team closely monitored the implementation of the state anti-dropout protocol during these meetings.

MED representatives have been encouraged to identify the main indicators that contribute to school dropout, including high absenteeism, poor grades and children’s low interest in school and learning.

As part of the project, a comprehensive questionnaire was administered during these meetings aimed at acquiring valuable information through questions focused on issues that greatly influence the risk of dropping out.

These actions are part of the project: “Supporting continuous access and retention in public education in 15 municipalities of Kosovo”, financially supported by the European Union in Kosovo in partnership with the UNICEF Program in Kosovo.