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ECMI Kosovo Project's Impact in 15 Municipalities

Over the past week, the ECMI Kosovo Project team has been dynamically involved in the field, dedicated to advancing actions that bolster the municipalities encompassed in the “Supporting Continued Access to and Retention in Public Education in 15 municipalities in Kosovo” project.

To achieve this objective, we convened essential meetings on January 24th with representatives from the Municipal Directorate of Education in Podujevë, overseeing the conclusive stages of the Municipal Action Plan.
Similarly, on January 25th, discussions were held with the MEDs in Kamenicë, and on January 26th with the MEDs in Prizren.

Our primary focus during these interactions was to provide unwavering support to the Working Groups in the aforementioned municipalities, ensuring the successful finalization of their Municipal Action Plans.
In the course of these meetings, the project team diligently monitored the implementation of the state protocol against school dropout.

We urged MED representatives to critically assess indicators affecting school dropout such as high absenteeism, poor grades, and a lack of interest in learning, emphasizing the rigorous enforcement of measures to prevent dropouts at both levels of pre-university education.

Additionally, a comprehensive questionnaire, tailored for optimal project activities realization, will be administered across all 15 targeted municipalities, seeking valuable insights through focused questions.

These activities are part of the “Supporting Continued Access to and Retention in Public Education in 15 municipalities in Kosovo” Project, which is financially supported by European Union in Kosovo in partnership with Unicef Kosovo Programme.