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Category: Communities in Kosovo

Support in the Midst of Educational Challenges in Kosovo

The beginning of the academic year began with large concerns after the Government’s decision not to purchase school textbooks but requesting from parents to apply for the textbook reimbursement via the online platform E-Kosova. This decision posed significant hurdles for our Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, who often find themselves unfamiliar with such platforms and lack the tools to apply.

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Important Announcement – ECMI Kosova

Dear valued supporters, stakeholders, and beneficiaries,
We want to inform you about a significant update regarding our online presence. As an organization dedicated to advocating for human rights, especially minority rights, we strive to ensure transparency and accuracy in all our communications.

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Empowering Sustainable Development: Our Executive Director Joins MCA-Kosovo’s Steering Board!​

Our Executive Director, Adrian Zeqiri, has been appointed as a member of the Steering Board of the prestigious Millennium Challenge Account Kosovo (MCA-Kosovo) entity.

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Contract award notice – Provision of Tools and Equipment (26 packages) for 140 returnees and minorities

European Centre for Minority Issues in Kosovo – ECMI Kosovo is implementing the project “Socio-Economic Reintegration for Minority Communities and other Vulnerable Marginalised Groups” with the objective to increase employability of returnees and minorities through harmonisation of trainings with labour market needs. The project is funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

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Gjej kohë. Parandalo. Jeto

Ju ftojmë së bashku në ekzaminime parandaluese kundër kancerit të gjirit dhe kancerit të qafës së mitrës.

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Projekti i ri i ECMI Kosovës në fushën e shëndetit riprodhues​

Më 1 maj 2021, ECMI Kosova filloi implementimin e projektit CARES 2 – Aktivitetet Ndërkufitare në Sektorin e Shëndetit Riprodhues 2, i cili ka për qëllim të përmirësojë cilësinë e shërbimeve në sektorin e shëndetit riprodhues dhe të rrisë ndërgjegjësimin e publikut për rëndësinë e mbrojtjes dhe parandalimit të kancerit të gjirit dhe qafës së mitrës, me vëmendje të veçantë të përqendruar në grupet e cenueshme në rajonin e Dukagjinit.

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