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Recycling Matters Activity Fushe Kosova/Kosovo Polje​

The Project aims to develop a more efficient, cohesive waste collection system by incorporating the Municipality of Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje, the informal waste collectors and individual private entities, the private companies, and public enterprises to create a synchronized and sustainable recycling model in the target municipality. The activities encourage public participation in recycling initiatives while ensuring that informal waste collectors are part of the waste collection sector as it continues to expand. Through this intervention approach, the Project rests on the situation on the ground. It establishes a viable, implementable, and self-sustainable model based on local actors’ needs and interests. The Project aims to conduct a thorough and comprehensive consultation, research, and assessment in the initial phase and work with the Municipality and informal waste collectors to determine the exact nature of their relationship.

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Cross-border Actions in the REproductive Health Sector CARES​

On the 1st of March, ECMI Kosovo started the implementation of the Action “Cross-border Actions in the REproductive Health Sector – CARES” in partnership with Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro – FORS Montenegro. This duration of the Action is eighteen (18) months and is funded by the European Union through Cross-border Programme Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020, and for which the grant was awarded by the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, Directorate for Finance and Contracting of the EU Assistance Funds.

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Support to Education in Serbian language in Kosovo: UMN Diploma Verification Process, Research on the Current Situation, Development of a MEST roadmap and Direct Training to UMN and Its Teaching Staff​

The parallel education system run by Serbia in Kosovo is considerably large, encompassing all levels of education and spread throughout its whole territory. Its integration within Kosovo’s framework inevitably raises direct political and financial implications.

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