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International Day Against Discrimination​

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the European Action Week Against Racism (16-24 March 2013), the European Centre for Minority Issues Kosovo (ECMI Kosovo) would like to reiterate its strong commitment to establishing a tolerant, pluralistic, multi-ethnic Kosovo, and call upon all relevant stakeholders to increase their efforts to put an end to the persistent problem of discrimination in Kosovo society.

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Integration Through Learning of Official Languages in Kosovo​

This project aims to promote integration of Kosovo’s community members into wider society by improving their knowledge of both official languages; through the provision of more and better opportunities to learn both languages. ECMI had worked with the Ministry of Educations, Science and Technology (MEST) on the development of an Albanian textbook; on providing training for teachers of Albanian; on facilitating language courses in both languages for municipal servants in the selected municipalities; and engaging at the policy level working on the development of a language teaching programme and on drafting a policy brief with recommendations.

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