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The Constitutional Court’s Decision On The Association/Community Of Serb Majority Municipalities​

The long-awaited decision of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the Principles and Main Elements of the 25 August 2015 agreement between Kosovo and Serbia—particularly as it relates to the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities—made it evident there is still much to be done to anchor the Association/Community on solid legal footing.

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The Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities: Obligation or Opportunity?

Throughout 2015, ECMI Kosovo has regularly reported on development affecting communities in Kosovo through its Kosovo Communities Issues Monitor. An important part of our attention went out to the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities. Therefore it is appropriate to devote the final issue of the Monitor for 2015 to the Association and argue for a shift in the discussion. Up to now, the discussion has mainly revolved around obligations stemming from the existing legislation or international agreements. The existing legislation, the Dialogue, and international agreements, however, establish a framework, but don’t predetermine the competences and functioning of the Association. In fact, earlier agreements on the Association leave open many outstanding issues. These should be clarified through an inclusive and careful discussion, which should focus on the question how services in the fields of own or enhanced competencies in Serb-majority municipalities could be carried out in a more efficient and transparent manner through inter-municipal cooperation. Only if there is a clear view on how inter-municipal cooperation between Serb-majority municipalities can improve the provision of municipal services, can we determine how to best frame the way the Association should function and determine its competences.

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ECMI Kosovo opens new phase of language courses for municipal officials​

ECMI Kosovo has started implementing a new phase of provision of language courses. Municipal officials will be trained in both Kosovo’s official languages, says ECMI Kosovo’s June Newsletter.

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Kosovo Assembly ratifies the ‘Brussels Agreement’

The Assembly of Kosovo ratified the Agreement on the normalization of the relations with Serbia on the 27 June, records ECMI Kosovo’s June Newsletteramong more observations.

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Kosovo’s Consultative Council for Communities hampered by lack of funding

Lack of adequate budget allocation seriously hampers the work of Kosovo’sConsultative Council for Communities, reports ECMI Kosovo.

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Increasing Employment of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Communities through a Recycling Collective​

The project creates favourable working conditions for one of the most disadvantaged groups in our society, Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian community members, by offering them opportunities to improve their social welfare, reduce unemployment and create sustainable incomes for themselves and their families. The project provides support to these members, who collect recyclable materials in an informal capacity, by using and expanding existing business models that they have established by supporting them to improve their skills, broaden their access to resources and capacity to collect recyclable waste.

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