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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsCommunities in KosovoLatest NewsECMI Kosovo Urges De-escalation Amid Concerns Over Arrests in North Mitrovica

ECMI Kosovo Urges De-escalation Amid Concerns Over Arrests in North Mitrovica

ECMI Kosovo expresses deep concern regarding recent arrests in North Mitrovica, including the detention of a Serbian politician and the arrest of young Serbs on September 10th.

In light of the increased presence of Kosovo police and public institutions in the North of Kosovo, these developments, occurring against the backdrop of heightened tensions, risk further alienating the Serbian community in the region.

While significant progress has been made towards the establishment of the rule of law in this part of Kosovo, ECMI Kosovo calls upon the Government of Kosovo to prioritize de-escalation in this sensitive situation. Actions involving political figures and local citizens must be handled with extreme caution to prevent undermining the ongoing efforts focused on reconciliation and stability. Kosovo police and public institutions, who have only recently begun operating in the North, should focus on building trust and engaging in meaningful dialogue with the Serbian community. It is essential that the Serbian community feels protected by the Kosovo police, rather than threatened by forceful measures.

ECMI Kosovo underscores that democratic expression and political engagement are essential components of peacebuilding, and the rights of political representatives and youth must be respected. Their involvement is crucial in fostering understanding between communities. Respecting the political and civil rights of all communities is key to Kosovo’s future, and the application of the rule of law must be transparent, fair, and impartial.
ECMI Kosovo remains dedicated to supporting the protection and promotion of the rights of all minority communities in Kosovo and remains committed to building a more inclusive and peaceful society founded on trust, understanding, and cooperation.