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Bridging Communities for Student Success - Insights from the PRTANs and LCs Workshop in Kosovo

Empowering Education: The Synergy of PRTANs and LCs for Student Success and retention at School
On Thursday, March 28, 2024, the “Sirius” Hotel in Prishtina was host to a significant workshop organized by ECMI Kosovo, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology & Information.

The workshop’s central focus was to bolster institutional cooperation, specifically aimed at supporting students hailing from the most marginalized communities, thereby ensuring their sustained retention and academic success.

Bringing together School Dropout Prevention Teams (PRTANs) and Learning Centers from all 15 targeted municipalities—namely, Kamenicë, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Podujevë, Fushë Kosovë, Obiliq, Lipjan, Shtime, Dragash, Prizren, Suharekë, Pejë, Gjakovë, Vushtrri, and Mitrovicë—the workshop served as a dynamic platform for collaboration and strategy formulation.

The overarching goal of this one-day event was to cultivate synergistic partnerships and devise effective strategies to empower students belonging to marginalized communities, fostering their continuous presence in educational institutions and facilitating their academic prosperity.

These actions are part of the project: “Supporting continuous access and retention in public education in 15 municipalities of Kosovo”, financially supported by the European Union in Kosovo in partnership with the Unicef Kosovo Programme.