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ECMI Kosovo to Host Workshop for Marginalized Student Support

Last week, on March 14, 2024, the ECMI Kosovo Project Team had a productive meeting with Ms. Merita Jonuzi, the Head of National PRTAN, and Ms. Nazan Safçi, Head of the Division for Communities at the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation.

The meeting was focused on discussing the current situation of both PRTANs and Learning Centers, with a shared goal of enhancing cooperation to support students from the most marginalized communities, ensuring their retention and success in school.

ECMI Kosovo, herewith, announces that by the end of March, ECMI Kosovo is planning an activity that will bring together PRTANs at the school level and Learning Centers from all 15 targeted municipalities, Kamenicë, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Podujevë, Fushë Kosovë, Obiliq, Lipjan, Shtime, Dragash, Prizren, Suharekë, Pejë, Gjakovë, Vushtrri, and Mitrovicë.

This one-day workshop aims to foster collaboration and create strategies to empower students from marginalized communities to stay in school and thrive academically.

These actions are part of the project: “Supporting continuous access and retention in public education in 15 municipalities of Kosovo”, financially supported by the European Union in Kosovo in partnership with the Unicef Kosovo Programme.