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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsCommunities in KosovoLatest NewsEmpowering Sustainable Development: Our Executive Director Joins MCA-Kosovo’s Steering Board!​

Empowering Sustainable Development: Our Executive Director Joins MCA-Kosovo's Steering Board!

Our Executive Director, Adrian Zeqiri, has been appointed as a member of the Steering Board of the prestigious Millennium Challenge Account Kosovo (MCA-Kosovo) entity.

MCA-Kosovo is a dedicated initiative focused on revolutionizing the energy sector and driving sustainable development across the country. It serves as a critical platform for societal transformation and progressive change.

Yesterday’s inaugural board meeting marked the beginning of this remarkable journey. It was our honor to welcome H.E. US Ambassador Hovenier, as a distinguished guest. The board is chaired by the Minister of Economy, Ms. Artane Rizvanolli, with the Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi, esteemed ministers from the Government of Kosovo, and representatives from the Office of the President of Kosovo also serving as members.

At ECMI Kosova, we are eager to contribute our expertise and unique insights to this board. Our mission, to champion social inclusion for underrepresented communities, aligns perfectly with the values and objectives of MCA-Kosovo.

As we embark on this transformative journey, we commit to collaborating with MCA-Kosovo to pave the way for a sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future for all citizens of Kosovo.