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Invitation No: ECMI/HR/Audit/01/2020

Invitation No: ECMI/HR/Audit/01/2020

Contract title: 

Auditing Services for Human Rightivism Project for the period from January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020

The Human Rightivism project is supported by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) managed by Community Development Fund (CDF) and implemented by ECMI Kosovo over 4 years’ period. The overall goal is to create and sustain critical mass and educational approach proposed for each of the target audiences of core interest to HUMAN RIGHTIVISM project. The project seeks to bring together highly crucial CSO partners all over three components, to further evolve the Human Rights areas that have been lacking capacities or neglected by relevant stakeholders, and that are natural, genuine, and common group interest based.

In accordance with the Sida Audit provisions, European Centre for Minority Issues Kosovo(ECMI Kosovo)/Human Rightivism project now invites certified eligible Audit companies to submit their Technical and Financial proposals to provide the following services:

“Auditing Services for Human Rightivism Project for the period from January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020”

Required bidding document may be obtained by interested companies upon submitting of a request at the following e-mail addresses (info@ecmikosovo.org),

Technical and Financial proposals with all required documents should be send to the email addresses:info@ecmikosovo.org or not later than on the date 05 April 2021 at 13:00hrs.

Bids shall be valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of submission. Late bids will be rejected and not considered for the evaluation

*Questions and clarifications to the Letter of Invitation should also be submitted to the above-mentioned e-mail addresses not later than 02 April 2021 .