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Incidents in August

This issue of Kosovo Communities Issues Monitor addresses three incidents in chronological order that unfolded during August. First, it highlights an occurrence where the Emergency Centre at the University Clinical Centre (UCC) of Kosovo failed to provide timely assistance to members of a Roma family had. In the Monitor, both representatives of the Kosovo Assembly, the UCC and members of the family comment on the incident. In the second update, we turn to the insulting slogans that was written on the house of a Bosniak family in Prizren in an area of the city that is populated by Bosniaks. The slogans, targeting the Bosniak and Gorani communities. We welcome that the Kosovo Police is currently investigating the incident and is taking measures to identify the perpetrators. The third update comment on the Feast on the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (“Uspenje Presvete Bogorodice” in Serbian) where displaced Kosovo Serbs from Gjakovë/Đakovica and other regions in Kosovo, visited the Serb Orthodox monastery in the city to participate in a liturgy on the occasion. A group of 20-30 Vetëvendosje activists disturbed the occasion with smearing chants, signs and throw red paint in the direction of the pilgrims. It is clear that these visits need to be carefully managed by the political representatives and religious leaders and that a tolerant balance should be found between the plight of missing persons and the emotional attachment of Serb pilgrims to their hometown and places of worship.

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