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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsPolitical update and analysisThe Association/Community Of Serb Majority Municipalities: An Exclusive Club Based On Ethnicity?​

The Association/Community Of Serb Majority Municipalities: An Exclusive Club Based On Ethnicity?

The debates surrounding the establishment of the Association and the implementation of the Brussels Agreements relating to the general integration of the Serb community in Kosovo are leading to an increasingly worrisome political deadlock along fixed Albanian–Serb ethnic lines. This Political Analysis, which is the second in a series that wants to add content to the discussion about the Community, in line with ECMI Kosovo’s mission and track-record of dealing with complex ethnic issues in Kosovo over the years, warns against such a narrow Albanian–Serb understanding of Kosovo society, and critically assesses the ethnically-based understanding of the Association.

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