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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsPolitical update and analysisGorani Community Network – Policy Briefs on Unemployment, School Returns and Decentralization​

Gorani Community Network – Policy Briefs on Unemployment, School Returns and Decentralization

Over the course of the implementation of the project Empowering Civil Society to Participate Effectively in Policy and Decision-Making Processes through Dialogue with Government Institutions, funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo, ECMI Kosovo, and with its partners Communication with Social Development (CSD) and Network of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Womens’ Organisation of Kosovo(NRAEWOK), supported the establishment of the GORA Community Network. The establishment of the GORA Community Network aims to foster a link between various CSOs from the region, and better advocate for their respective local government structures.

The Network is the first structure of its kind in Kosovo to bring together all CSOs from the Gorani community to advocate for the issues that are of central importance to the community as a whole. This is an important development for the Gorani community, considering that they are one of the most marginalised minority communities in Kosovo. The Network will substantially increase their ability to lobby and advocate across Kosovo institutions for issues that are of central importance to them.

One of the activities of the Network was to conduct a research on unemployment, school returns and decentralization. ECMI Kosovo, therefore, aided the network in writing and researching questionnaires focused on issues surround government transparency and accountability in the region. These questionnaires were published in Serbian language and distributed throughout the municipalities by our local correspondents, with the support of CSD and NRAEWOK.

Through the research gained by these questionnaires, ECMI Kosovo presents these Policy Briefs, which will briefly outline the findings of the research, as well as recommendations for institutions and conclusions that can be drawn.

This research was conducted in the Municipality of Dragash/Dragaš in southern Kosovo.

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