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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsPolitical update and analysisSegregation in Education in Gjakovë/Ðakovica: State of Play

Segregation in Education in Gjakovë/Ðakovica: State of Play

Throughout 2011 and 2012, ECMI Kosovo has advocated against the segregated education of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children in Kosovo’s education system. On Wednesday 16 January 2013, this resulted in a lawsuit being submitted on behalf of eight parents of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children who were placed – by the ‘Mustafa Bakija’ school in Gjakovë/Ðakovica – in a segregated first grade class separate from their Albanian peers. This information bulletin sets out all actions taken by ECMIKosovo leading up to the submission of the lawsuit.

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