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Political update and analysis

Political update and analysis

Vatandaşlar için enerji verimliliği sübvansiyonları ile ilgili İkinci Kamu Çağrısı için başvuru kılavuzu

Vatandaşlar için enerji verimliliği sübvansiyonları ile ilgili İkinci Kamu Çağrısı için b

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Mothavno vash aplikipe ano Duyto publikuno Kharipe vash o subvencie e efiqenca energiyako vash dizune

Mothavno vash aplikipe ano Duyto publikuno Kharipe vash o subvencie e efiqenca energiyako vash dizun

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Vodič za prijavu za drugi javni poziv za subvencije za energetsku efikasnost za građane

Vodič za prijavu za drugi javni poziv za subvencije za energetsku efikasnost za građane

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Udhëzues për aplikim për Thirrjen e Dytë publike për subvencionim të efiçiencës së energjisë për qytetarët

Udhëzues për aplikim për Thirrjen e Dytë publike për subvencionim të efiçiencës së energjis

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Education in the Serbian Language and Diploma Verification in Kosovo

The organization of education in Kosovo is a complex issue. The following analysis provides a brief

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Update on the Process of Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities​

This policy brief analyses recent developments with regard to the dialogue on the Association/Commun

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Implications of Visa Liberalisation for Kosovo

This article analyses the relationship between the recently signed border demarcation deal and visa

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Reading the results of Kosovo’s snap elections

On 10 July the Central Election Commission informed the President of Kosovo that it had certified th

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Quotas for Gender Representation in Kosovo’s Election Rules

In our latest brief on the upcoming elections, ECMI Kosovo is looking at the controversy that has ar

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Dynamics within Serb Community Political Establishment Ahead of Snap Elections in Kosovo

In the upcoming snap election of June 11, the Serb community in Kosovo will for the first time compe

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Kosovo snap elections, background, rules and some predictions

Less than a week ago, the Assembly of Kosovo, with a majority of votes, under an initiative brought

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Kosovo’s Uneasy Community Governance in 2016 and how to Renew the Community Agenda during 2017

In a difficult and often challenging year for the Government and for Kosovo society in general, a nu

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The Constitutional Court’s Decision On The Association/Community Of Serb Majority Municipalities​

The long-awaited decision of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the Principles and

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The Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities: Obligation or Opportunity?​

Throughout 2015, ECMI Kosovo has regularly reported on development affecting communities in Kosovo t

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Repeated Incidents in Goraždevac/Gorazhdec: Prompt Action Required

The renewed incident in Goraždevac/Gorazhdec can no longer be discarded as one in a row of merely i

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The Suspension of the Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities​

The Constitutional Court approved the request made by President Jahjaga to interpret the compatibili

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Kosovo and UNESCO: For a Renewed Focus on the Debate​

The final vote on Kosovo’s bid to join UNESCO, expected for Monday 9 November, gave rise to a fier

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Is the minority quota system in higher education being abused?

The quota system in higher level education, designed to offer an opportunity to students from minori

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For An Inclusive Discussion On The Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities

The opposition parties are blocking the session of the Assembly for the third time in a row, demandi

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The New Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities: An Important Step Forward, But Not The Final Word

Here it is – the definite analysis of the new agreement on the Association/Community of Serb major

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Incidents in August

This issue of Kosovo Communities Issues Monitor addresses three incidents in chronological order tha

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Disagreements Surrounding the Use of Languages in Kosovo and the poor Implementation of the Legal Framework

The decision of the Parliament’s Commission for Legislation not to proceed with a law proposal unt

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Human Rights Law Package Enters into Force

In July the new human rights package came into effect. In this political analysis we provide an over

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On the Worrisome trend of Incidents Directed at Serb Communities in the Pejë/Peja and Klinë/Klina Area

During the past ten days, there has been an upsurge in incidents involving Serb communities in the P

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Vidovdan: No News is Good News

During the past weeks, the Serb community in and outside Kosovo has marked the holiday of Vidovdan w

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On the recent security incidents in Klinë/Klina and the difficult return process

In the night of 17–18 May, Kosovo Serb inhabitants who had recently returned to the villages of Bi

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The Gorani holiday on 6 May: A missed opportunity for the Kosovo institutions

On 6 May, the Gorani community traditionally gathers on the hills and in the villages of the Gora re

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On the Occasion of the Recent Incident In Pasjane

On 4 May, a Kosovo Serbian inhabitant of the village Pasjane/Pasjan in the municipality of Parteš/P

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Municipal Budgets In Northern Kosovo: Agreement, At Last​

May 4th marked the end of a deadlock between Kosovo’s four Serb-majority northern municipalities a

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Incidents and Tensions in Mitrovica: The Need For Unbiased Reporting and the Strengthening of the Rule of Law

In light of the recent outburst of violence in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, ECMI Kosovo affirms its positio

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The Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities: What Is (Im)possible Within the Legal Framework?

Although the agreement on the formation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities

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The Association/Community Of Serb Majority Municipalities: An Exclusive Club Based On Ethnicity?​

The debates surrounding the establishment of the Association and the implementation of the Brussels

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The Neglecting of Non-Serb Minority Communities in the Kosovo–Serb Technical Agreements

On 9 March 2015, the political representatives of the non-Serb minority communities in Kosovo evalua

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Minister Murati’s Controversial Statement and the Reactions that Followed​

The Minister of Diaspora, Valon Murati, has come under fire for linking the illegal emigration from

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The Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities: A lot of speculation, little factual agreement and no implementation​

Few of the concepts that have surfaced in the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Kos

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A Unified Court and Legal System in Kosovo?

On 9 February, the Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Isa Mustafa and Aleksandar Vučić, met in

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What should be remembered from the Jablanović case?​

On 3 February, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa declared that the Minister for Communities and Return, Ale

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Calls for Reason and Action in light of Protests in Prishtinë/Priština​

On January 24, an estimated 10,000 protesters took the street of Prishtinë/Priština, in one of the

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Forging a Working Environment within the Government of Kosovo​

The new Kosovo coalition government brings together the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Dem

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ECMI Kosovo calls for calm in light of protests against minister Jablanović’s controversial statement​

On 10 January, a peaceful protest demanding that Prime Minister Mustafa relieve Minister Jablanović

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ECMI Kosovo condemns the violent blockage of entrance to the Serb orthodox church in Gjakovë/Đakovica​

On 6 January, Vetëvendosje activists, together with the NGO “Thirrjet e Nënave” (Mothers’ Ca

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Serb Community Network – Policy Briefs on Employment, Transparency and Accountability, and Youth activites​

Over the course of the implementation of the project Empowering Civil Society to Participate Effecti

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A Political Update: The Formation of the New Government of Kosovo, Minority Community Representation and Challenges Ahead​

Following almost 6 months of political wrangling, the Assembly of Kosovo elected Isa Mustafa, chairm

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Today, on Human Rights Day, the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Kosovo would like to reit

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Roundtable discussion on the project “How to Breathe Life into Kosovo Anti-discrimination Legislation”​

On December 4th 2014, a roundtable discussion was held in Prishtinë/Priština to mark the finalisat

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Gorani Community Network – Policy Briefs on Unemployment, School Returns and Decentralization​

Over the course of the implementation of the project Empowering Civil Society to Participate Effecti

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Challenges to Kosovo’s Integration Efforts: Rising Emigration of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians

There are alarming reports from all over Kosovo of a steep increase of illegal emigrations out of Ko

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An Overview of the Recent Security Situation in Kosovo​

ECMI Kosovo has become aware of several incidents involving minority communities, most of which are

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ECMI Kosovo Short Update on Political Developments: Minority Communities Want the Stalemate Over​

As a result of the stalemate over the election of the parliament Speaker, Kosovo remains with an act

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ECMI Kosovo condemns recent violence in the North​

On September 4th, the mayor of Mitrovica/Mitrovicë North, Goran Rakić, announced that the Kosovo p

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Minority Communities’ Political Parties in Kosovo’s Changing Political Landscape​

While the Constitutional Court’s decision on the legality of the procedures followed in the consti

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ECMI Kosovo Calls for Calm in Face of Escalating Ethnic Tensions​

On 14 October, the football match between Albania and Serbia was abandoned after the 41’ minute, d

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Bridging the Divide: Establishing a Joint Board for the city of Mitrovica​

In response to the recent disturbances surrounding the removal of the barricade blocking the primary

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General Elections in Kosovo : A View of Issues, Challenges and the Political Scene ahead of Voting on June 8th​

On June 8th, Kosovo is set to hold parliamentary elections after the Assembly of Kosovo voted to dis

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Towards a Better Internal Organisation of Communities in Kosovo: The Establishment of Serb and Gorani Community Networks​

Civil society in Kosovo is largely fragmented: it is not only often divided along ethnic lines, but

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Substance Abuse in Kosovo and its Effects on Minority Communities​

ECMI Kosovo has conducted previous research on substance abuse and treatment options, particularly r

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Transitional Justice, Minority Rights and Communities in Kosovo​

There is not an agreed definition on international law on what or who constitutes a minority. Howeve

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Kosovo Local Elections 2013: Lessons Learnt for Minority Communities​

2013 local elections were organised for the first time in the whole territory of Kosovo, including i

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Human Rights Day

Today, on Human Rights Day, the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Kosovo would like to reit

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The Diana Kastrati Case: Violence Against Women and Kosovar Justice​

Violence against women is a human rights violation, a consequence of the discrimination against wome

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Towards Mainstreaming Community Rights within Kosovo Civil Service & Empowering Minority Civil Society​

On 27 November 2013, ECMI Kosovo and its partner organisations held the certification ceremony for s

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Kosovo Local Elections – Which Self-Government for Minority Communities?​

This publication presents ECMI Kosovo’s preliminary analysis of the results after the first round

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Local Elections in Kosovo: Focus on Minority Communities Candidates​

ECMI Kosovo has drafted an information bulletin on local elections to be held on 3 November 2013 thr

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Day of Bosniaks

On the occasion of the Day of Bosniaks, 28 September, ECMI Kosovo issued a press release to celebrat

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The Budget of the CCC​

This publication addresses the lack of adequate budget allocation to the Consultative Council for Co

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Minority Entrepreneurship in Kosovo: Opportunities and Challenges​

This Policy Paper aims to highlight the challenges faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) owne

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International Day Against Discrimination​

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination a

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Segregation in Education in Gjakovë/Ðakovica: State of Play

Throughout 2011 and 2012, ECMI Kosovo has advocated against the segregated education of Roma, Ashkal

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Segregation in Education in Gjakovë/Ðakovica: Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Families Filed a Lawsuit​

“ECMI Kosovo would like to announce that today, on 16 January 2013, a lawsuit was submitted agains

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Condemnation of the Desecration of Orthodox Graveyards​

ECMI Kosovo strongly condemns the desecration of a number of Orthodox graveyards that took place bet

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Socioeconomic Conditions of Communities in Northern Kosovo​

On 31 January 2013, The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Kosovo organised a Conference in

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Minority Communities in the 2011 Kosovo Census Results: Analysis and Recommendation

ECMI Kosovo has developed a policy brief assessing the minority communities figures established by t

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Domestic Violence in Kosovo

European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Kosovo and the Centre for Legal Aid and Regional Developm

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Segregated Education in Kosovo

During 2011, ECMI Kosovo has received reports that several schools in Kosovo have segregated classes

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Qeset plastike fillojnë si lëndë djegëse fosile dhe përfundojnë si mbetje vdekjeprurëse në d

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