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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsCommunities in KosovoLatest NewsOn the Worrisome trend of Incidents Directed at Serb Communities in the Pejë/Peja and Klinë/Klina Area ​

On the Worrisome trend of Incidents Directed at Serb Communities in the Pejë/Peja and Klinë/Klina Area

During the past ten days, there has been an upsurge in incidents involving Serb communities in the Pejë/Peć and Klinë/Klina area. These incidents come on the heels of a series of incidents in Klinë/Klina this past May, where Kosovo Serb returnees were victims of robberies and verbal abuses. This newest contribution to ECMI Kosovo’s Kosovo Communities Issues Monitor argues that this series of attacks, while still being under investigation, speaks of an emerging trend of incidents directed at the Serb community in the area, which cannot be discarded as merely isolated cases. This pattern of incidents calls for adequate security measures and engagement from all sides of the political spectrum, including representatives of the majority community.

Please see the full update: