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European Centre for Minority Issues in KosovoLatest NewsCommunities in KosovoLatest NewsDisagreements Surrounding the Use of Languages in Kosovo and the poor Implementation of the Legal Framework​

Disagreements Surrounding the Use of Languages in Kosovo and the poor Implementation of the Legal Framework

The decision of the Parliament’s Commission for Legislation not to proceed with a law proposal until further clarification on the fact that the proposal and in particular the Parliament’s logo were written in the Cyrillic alphabet reopened a longstanding discussion on the official use of language and their alphabets.

This update to ECMI Kosovo’s Kosovo Communities Issues Monitor situates this disagreement within the longstanding but unresolved discussion on the use of the Cyrillic alphabet in official use in Kosovo. It urges Kosovo’s political representatives and institutions to solve this legal ambiguity through a serene and inclusive dialogue. In addition, the update also uses this occasion to address the poor implementation of Kosovo language legislation in general.

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