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Category: Studies and Handbooks

Community Rights Monitoring & Evaluation for the Kosovo Context

This Working Paper aims to serve as basis for discussion on the development and introduction of a community rights monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for Kosovo institutions, based on community rights indicators (CRIs). To this end, it explains why CRIs are relevant to the Kosovo context, what steps would need to be taken to design such a M&E system, and offers practical recommendations on how to apply this methodology in Kosovo. The Working Paper is mainly based on the methodology developed by the United Nations (UN) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the use of indicators in the monitoring of human rights.

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Civil Society Participation in Decision-Making Processes

Public participation in decision making is an essential element to any transparent, accountable and democratic political system. It ensures the continuation of dialogue between citizens and decision makers outside of election times. Ideally it results in policy and legislation more responsive to the needs of the people it affects. Civil society organisations (CSOs) play an important role in such participation mechanisms, providing a link between citizens and decision makers.

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Improving the Delivery of Education for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Communities Good Practices and Recommendations​

This Manual is a tool for municipal officials to improve the delivery of education for the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities within their municipalities. Specifically, it offers practical, concrete and step-by-step guidance and information on how to develop, operationalise and implement the education component of a Municipal Action Plan (MAP). The Manual has been produced by ECMI Kosovo as part of the project Improving the Delivery of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Education in the Municipality of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, conducted in cooperation with, and supported by, UNICEF.

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Delivery of Education to Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Communities in Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje

This baseline study provides data and information about the delivery of education to Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian communities in the municipality of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje with a view of assessing the right to education of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children. The study was produced as part of the project “Improving the Delivery of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Education in the Municipality of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje”, funded by UNICEF.

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Constitutional Court of Kosovo

The aim of this booklet is to increase awareness of the jurisdiction and competences of the Constitutional Court among human rights practitioners in Kosovo. Specifically, it intends to enhance knowledge on the admissibility criteria of the Constitutional Court in relation to referrals filed by individual applicants.

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