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Category: Studies and Handbooks

Guidebook on the Implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages​

The Guidebook on the Implementation of Law on the Use of Languages provides a comprehensive, illustrative and structured overview of the contents of the Kosovo Law on the Use of Languages, as well as a pragmatic tool to inform and guide its implementation.
This Guidebook aims to increase awareness and strengthen the enforcement of the language rights legal framework in Kosovo, and it is targeted to the central and local institutions falling under the jurisdiction of the OLC as well as other organizations dealing with community issues and language rights in Kosovo.

This Guidebook is the final result of the UNMIK – funded project ‘Strengthening the Protection of Language Rights in Kosovo: A Guidebook on the Implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages’, co-implemented by the Office of the Language Commissioner of the Republic of Kosovo (OLC) and ECMI Kosovo.

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Needs Assessment report of targeted municipalities and Needs Assessment report of Agency for Civil Registry​

Two (2) needs assessments are drafted by external experts which identified obstacles, shortcomings and inaccuracies in the implementation of the AI 05/2017.

Further, specific needs of the ACR and targeted municipalities are presented in:

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ECMI Kosovo publishes “Representation of Kosovo Serb Community in Free Legal Professions In Kosovo” report​

This report seeks to provide information regarding the Free Legal Professions in Kosovo, particularly focusing on the representation of the Serb Community in these free legal professions in the territory of Kosovo. It details the legislation that regulates the free legal professions, the role of the Government, particularly the role of the Ministry of Justice in regards to the free legal professions. The report reflects the current situation of the representation of the Serb community in free legal professions. Following this, a number of recommendations have been concluded by ECMI Kosovo to increase the representation of the Serb community, as well as other minority communities living in Kosovo.

Please read the full report:

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ECMI Kosovo publishes “Kosovo’s Consultative Council for Communities in 2019” report​

This research project aims to carry out an institutional assessment of the Council, looking at structural challenges to the institution, its financial administration and its fulfillment of its mandate. Following this, suggestions are made as to the improved functioning of the council in order to more effectively fulfill its mandate and act in the interests of the communities it represents. This research included thorough desk research carrying out a comprehensive review of existing research and statistics on the Council. Furthermore, interviews were carried out with both present and former members of the CCC, in addition to representatives of Kosovo’s communities, to obtain a first-hand account of the functioning of the council and its relations with the individuals it is said to represent.

Please read full report:

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Guidelines for the implementation of Kosovo legistaltion in regards of ID cards and citizenship​

Three guidelines were developed for an accurate legal interpretation of the regulations including the Administrative Instruction 05/2017 and the Decision 296-2018 issued by the Minister of Ministry of Internal Affairs with regard to civic documentation, such as birth, marriage and death certificates. The guidelines developed present detailed explanations and illustration on procedures how to register birth, marriage and death certificates in the database system.

Please read the guidelines:

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ECMI Kosovo Annual Reports​

To read the full annual reports of 2016, 2017, and 2018, please click below:

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