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ECMI Kosovo condemns the violent blockage of entrance to the Serb orthodox church in Gjakovë/Đakovica​

ECMI Kosovo condemns the violent blockage of entrance to the Serb orthodox church in Gjakovë/Đakovica
On 6 January, Vetëvendosje activists, together with the NGO “Thirrjet e Nënave” (Mothers’ Calls), staged a protest in front of the premises of the Serb Orthodox Church in Gjakovë/Đakovica, in order to prevent the worshipers to enter the Church. The sit in was generally calm and nonviolent in nature. The Kosovo Police intervened and dispersed the protesters, arresting two people in the process.

ECMI Kosovo recalls that while peaceful protesting is a guaranteed right, claims of war crimes should be addressed through the proper legal channels and that the violent blockage of the entrance to places of worship is an act of violence that impedes the stable coexistence of communities in Kosovo and does not bring accountability for war crimes any closer.

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ECMI Kosovo calls for calm in light of protests against minister Jablanović’s controversial statement​

On 10 January, a peaceful protest demanding that Prime Minister Mustafa relieve Minister Jablanović of his duties was held in Gjakovë/Đakovica. The protest, called by Vetëvendosje and the NGO Mothers’ Call and attended by a few hundred citizens, was held after controversial statements made by Kosovo Government Minister Aleksandar Jablanović, which led to a series of furious reactions by opposition parties and the Ombudsperson of Kosovo.

Please read the full press release:

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Tragic Incident in Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje involving a Roma Child​

On 18 December a 7-year old child in Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje was brutally attacked in the early morning hours by stray dogs and as a result he subsequently died as a consequence of injuries he sustained. The child—a resident of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje and of Roma ethnicity with the initials D.J.—was, according to statements provided by family members, going though waste containers looking for food when he was attacked by dogs. ECMI Kosovo is deeply saddened by this event and would like to offer its condolences to the family of the child. The incident, however, reveals a larger problem in the form of the unresolved issue of unemployment and widespread poverty prevalent among the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities in Kosovo.

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Today, on Human Rights Day, the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Kosovo would like to reiterate its unwavering support for the advancement of human rights and minority rights in Kosovo.

Kosovo maintains strong human rights legal framework (including at the constitutional level) adopted from international and regional human rights conventions. However, this legislation is not always adequately implemented, leading to the infringement of human rights of many citizens, particularly vulnerable and marginalised groups and individuals. The application of this framework remains ineffective for several reasons: a lack of awareness of human rights issues, limited communication and cooperation between actors, and an absence of resources and knowledge.

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Today, on the International Day to End Violence against Women, ECMI Kosovo would like to reiterate its commitment to fighting gender-based violence in Kosovo and to review our recent activities that have addressed this issue.

Gender-based violence constitutes a human rights violation in the sense it affects women in their health, dignity, security, freedom of choice, and capacity to emancipate. Around the world, at least one in every three women has been affected by some sort of abuse or violence.

The detailed press release you can find here.

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Open letter sent by the “Platform of NGOs dealing with Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian issues in Kosovo” to the Prime Minister​

The undersigned leaders of the “Platform of NGOs working with Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian Communities”, (hereafter referred to as “the Platform”), wish to raise concern at the recent increase in migration of citizens from the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities. We ask for an immediate response by the Government of Kosovo.

Please click here for the full document:

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