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ECMI Kosovo releases “Towards Equal Linguistic Quality of Kosovo Legislation into Albanian and Serbian Language – A Step in Filling the Gap in the Implementation of the Law on the Use of Languages” policy paper.​

This policy paper first provides an outline of the issue and lists the grounds for the uneven quality of legislative documents in Serbian and Albanian. It then highlights the impact of the weak implementation of the law on the use of languages in the domain of legislation, in particular on access to equal rights in Kosovo, and finally presents a number of concrete recommendations for concentrated government action in order to undo the linguistic inconsistencies between Serbian and Albanian legislation in Kosovo.
Please read here full report:

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ECMI Kosovo published ‘’Civil servant training programs and capacity building on the rights of the non-majority communities and non-discrimination in Kosovo’’​

The present report outlines the legislative and institutional measures undertaken by the Government of Kosovo to address issues of ethnic discrimination in the public service, and provide training on inter-ethnic equality. According to a report titled “Legal protection against discrimination in South East Europe”, produced by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in 2016, identifying, reporting, handling and even evidencing discrimination in Kosovo remains very low. Partly connected to local tradition and culture regarding human rights, and as such a weakness in recognizing and registering discrimination at a grassroots level, this report will address the lack of training among civil servants in human rights and anti-discrimination, to understand how discrimination remains concealed at an institutional level.

Please read here full report:

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Energy crisis in Kosovo and the urgent need to include non-majority communities in the Government’s call for energy efficiency subsidies​

Energy crisis in Kosovo and the urgent need to include non-majority communities in the Government’s call for energy efficiency subsidies

According to ECMI Kosova analysis of the data provided by the Government, only 2% of the beneficiaries of the Government’s energy efficiency subsidies belonged to non-majority communities.

Therefore, for a comprehensive financial scheme, the ECMI Kosova invites the Ministry of Economy to allocate funds into the minority quota system and cooperate closely with CSOs representing minority rights to:

– Ensure that the call is disseminated to all citizens, including non-majority communities living in rural areas;

– Ensure all information is provided in the language spoken by non-majority communities;

– Ensure that applicants have the necessary IT support during the application process;

– To transfer the value of the subsidy prior to the purchase of the equipment for the applicants who are beneficiaries of the social assistance scheme.

Please read the full report in English, Albanian and Serbian.

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SEA Reporting Mechanism​

ECMI Kosovo’s value is to have zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and mistreatment, including sexual exploitation and abuse, intimidation, harassment and bullying.

*Sexual exploitation and abuse are a violation of fundamental human rights and an abuse of a position of power over a vulnerable population that ECMI Kosovo and other humanitarian and development actors have pledged to protect.

ECMI Kosovo is fully committed to improving protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA)

More about the reporting mechanism can be found below:

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Shtatzënia që po kaloni është unike dhe çdo përvojë është unike. Përgëzime dhe urojmë që çdo gjë të shkojë sa më mirë si për ju ashtu edhe për bebin tuaj. Broshura që keni para jush është përgatitur me qëllim që t’jua lehtësojë këtë udhëtim të veçantë.

Për më shumë:

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Pajisje të reja për mbrojtjen e shëndetit riprodhues u prezantuan dhe u dorëzuan zyrtarisht në rajonin e Duakgjinit, të cilat u blenë për qendrat shëndetësore të Spitalit Rajonal të Pejës dhe Gjakovës si dhe për qendrat kryesore të mjekësisë familajre në Klinë, Istog dhe Deçan në kuadër të projektit CARES 2, i cili po zbatohet në Kosovë nga ECMI Kosova. Vlera totale e pajisjeve të blera është 53,720.00 EUR, e cila përbëhet nga dy pajisje ultratinguj, kolposkop dixhital me kamerë, amnioskop, aspirator me vakum, tavolinë për lindje dhe ekzaminimi gjinekologjik, monitor për pacient, sterilizues dhe grupe instrumentesh dhe kimikate për testin PAPA. Projekti CARES 2 – Aktivitetet ndërkufitare në sektorin e shëndetit riprodhues financohet nga Bashkimi Evropian përmes Programit të Bashkëpunimit Ndërkufitar Mali i Zi – Kosovë*. Autoriteti kontraktues për projektin është Ministria e Financave e Malit të Zi – Drejtoria për Financimin dhe Kontraktimin e Fondeve të Mbështetjes së BE-së..

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