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For over a decade, ECMI Kosovo has stood at the forefront of promoting human rights and providing legal aid to marginalized and vulnerable groups in Kosovo. Our unwavering commitment to justice and equality is reflected through a spectrum of projects that have significantly influenced the enhancement of legal frameworks and institutional practices, aiming to ensure justice and equal rights for all.

Key Projects and Achievements:

– Enhancing the Positive Impact of the Law for Vulnerable and Marginalised Groups: Supported by the European Commission, this project focused on legally empowering Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian, and Serb women by providing essential information on their rights and remedies alongside legal aid services. Through the training of local minority female activists as community-based paralegals, we’ve ensured improved access to prevention and treatment services for beneficiaries.

– Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Rights in Kosovo: In collaboration with the Office of the Language Commissioner/Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo (OLC/OPM) and coordinated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), this initiative aimed at reinforcing institutional compliance with the Kosovo Law on the Use of Languages. Our comprehensive monitoring and evaluation efforts have been instrumental in identifying gaps in the implementation of language rights laws, working towards enhanced access to public services for Kosovo’s minority communities.

– Human Rightivism: This groundbreaking project, detailed in the “ECMI Kosovo Vision Mission” document, embodies our dedication to integrating human rights within the fabric of Kosovo’s society. Through innovative advocacy and educational initiatives, ECMI Kosovo has championed the rights of LGBTQ+ communities, among others, promoting inclusivity and equality across all societal sectors.

– Equal Rights for All Coalition (ERAC): As part of our continuous efforts to foster social inclusion and protect the rights of all communities in Kosovo, ERAC has been pivotal in advocating for legislative reforms and policy changes. This project, highlighted in the “ECMI Kosovo Past Projects” document, underscores our commitment to ensuring that minority rights, including those of LGBTQ+ individuals, are recognized and upheld.

Community-Based Paralegals: Our Eyes and Ears on the Ground

Our network of community-based paralegals serves as the cornerstone of our legal aid initiatives, offering on-the-ground insights and facilitating crucial interventions in cases of school segregation and other human rights violations. This direct engagement ensures that our efforts are both impactful and aligned with the needs of the communities we serve.

Impact and Donor Support:

Our concerted efforts have led to:

– Enhanced awareness and comprehension of human rights and legal remedies among marginalized communities.

– Strengthened legal frameworks and institutional practices for the protection and enforcement of language rights and broader human rights.

– Augmented capacities of local institutions and civil society organizations to advocate for and implement human rights protections.

These accomplishments have been made possible through the generous support of our donors, including the European Commission, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Office of the Language Commissioner (OLC).


At ECMI Kosovo, our mission to advance human rights and provide vital legal aid is unwavering. Through our targeted projects and the indispensable contributions of our community-based paralegals, we continue to forge a path toward a Kosovo where justice, equality, and human rights are accessible and guaranteed for all. Our enduring efforts to enhance legal frameworks and institutional practices reaffirm our commitment to upholding the dignity and rights of every individual in Kosovo.