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At ECMI Kosovo, our commitment to fostering gender equality and social inclusion is unwavering. Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, we aim to combat gender-based violence (GBV), promote gender equality, and ensure social inclusion across Kosovo’s diverse communities. Our efforts are particularly focused on empowering women, minorities, and other marginalized groups, enabling their active participation in all societal processes.

Key Projects and Initiatives:

– Empowering Minority Communities in Kosovo against Gender-Based Violence: Funded by the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, this project targets the dual discrimination faced by women from minority groups, particularly Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian, and Serb communities. By providing legal and economic empowerment and raising awareness about women’s rights, gender equality, and GBV mechanisms, we strive to create safer and more inclusive environments.

– Diversity Is Opportunity: Promoting Tolerance as a Means of Reconciliation and Democratization: Supported by the US Embassy Pristina Democracy Commission Small Grants Program, this initiative brings young people from various ethnic backgrounds together to foster understanding and tolerance, breaking down ethnic barriers and contributing to reconciliation and democratization efforts.

– Equal Rights for All Coalition: Funded by the European Union and managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo, this landmark initiative aims to bridge the gap between legal guarantees and actual access to fundamental rights in Kosovo, emphasizing the empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups—including minority communities, women, youth, and LGBT individuals. This project stands as a testament to progress and inclusivity, focusing on enhancing equality before the law, access to justice, and freedom of expression among other fundamental rights.

Impact and Achievements:

– Enhanced awareness and access to GBV prevention and treatment services for women in targeted minority communities.

– Economic empowerment opportunities for women, leading to increased socio-economic resilience.

– Promotion of cultural tolerance and respect for diversity among youth, contributing to the breaking down of ethnic barriers and fostering a culture of understanding and reconciliation.

– Significant strides towards ensuring all individuals in Kosovo can exercise their fundamental rights freely and fully, especially for minority and marginalized groups.

Donors and Partnerships:

The success of our gender equality and social inclusion initiatives has been made possible through the support of esteemed donors, including the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, the US Embassy Pristina Democracy Commission, and the European Union. These partnerships have been instrumental in implementing our projects and achieving our goals.


Through our dedicated efforts in gender equality and social inclusion, ECMI Kosovo continues to work towards a society where every individual, regardless of gender or ethnic background, is empowered, valued, and included. By addressing the root causes of discrimination and inequality, we aim to build a foundation for a more equitable, tolerant, and democratic Kosovo.