© 2023 ECMI KOSOVA - All rights reserved.


ECMI Kosovo’s steadfast dedication to improving access to education for vulnerable groups and enhancing bilingualism and language rights is evident in our diverse range of projects. Our commitment to fostering inclusive education systems and increasing language proficiency across communities in Kosovo bridges divides, promotes social cohesion, and ensures that educational and language services are accessible to all. The support from our international donors has been pivotal in creating equitable and inclusive opportunities for education and language acquisition.

 Key Achievements

– Drafting of the Law on the Use of Languages: We have been instrumental in the drafting process, advocating for a law that accommodates the linguistic needs and rights of all communities in Kosovo. This effort is foundational to the ongoing promotion and protection of language rights across the nation.

– Operational Sustainability of the Office for Language Commissioner of Kosovo: Our support has been crucial in the developmental and sustainable establishment of the Language Commissioner’s Office, positioning it as an essential entity for overseeing the implementation of language policies in Kosovo.

– Development of Educational Materials: Addressing the need for language learning resources, we have developed textbooks and workbooks for both Serbian and Albanian languages at basic and intermediary levels, catering to learners from different linguistic backgrounds and filling a significant gap in language education.

– Language Acquisition Training for Civil Servants: Our training programs have significantly enhanced the bilingual capabilities of Kosovo’s public service, improving communication and service delivery across community lines.

– Mechanism for Diploma Verification: The establishment of a diploma verification mechanism has facilitated the recognition of over 2000 diplomas for Serb and Serbian-speaking community members, with a significant number being utilized for employment purposes. This initiative has had a profound impact on the professional lives of many individuals.

– Groundbreaking Research on Serbian Education in Kosovo: Our comprehensive research into the Serbian education system in Kosovo, including an analysis of pedagogical conditions, curriculum alignment, and the state of education for Serbian-speaking communities, provides valuable insights that guide our efforts to enhance educational access and quality for all.

Supported by:

Our initiatives in education and language rights have received generous support from the European Union, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kosovo, and the European Union Office in Kosovo, The German Embassy in Kosovo, The British Embassy In Prishtina and Swiss Embassy In Prishtina. This backing has been crucial in realizing our objectives and making a lasting impact on the communities we serve.

Through these concerted efforts, ECMI Kosovo continues to advocate for and advance education and language rights in Kosovo. We are committed to ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to learn, grow, and fully participate in society, thereby promoting linguistic diversity, inclusion, and contributing to the broader goals of peace, reconciliation, and democratization in Kosovo.